Dear Friends,

Greetings from Liberia!

The Sheppard family is busily preparing for our short “home assignment” in the States from mid-June to mid-September. Our departure is Sunday, June 18, and we arrive at Dulles Airport the next afternoon. We look forward to seeing and spending time with family and friends!

God continues to work through the ministry of the Jake Memorial Baptist College. He has given us a heart for these students, which makes us value the time spent preparing for classes and taking care of administrative work. Recently I created a four credit-hour World History class that had a special emphasis on Africa. While I think the students learned a lot, I wonder if I learned more than the students. Nancy’s Teaching Techniques class went well, and the students were especially enriched by a puppetry segment taught by our friend Monique Lindsey.

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Our Friday night hospitality ministry continues to be a blessing to us and to our guests. Recently we have had the opportunity to speak important truths into the lives of two guests with whom we have had long-term relationships. Both were extremely organic, confirming to us they were from the Lord.

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In April during Easter break we were blessed beyond words to be able to take a MAF flight to Voinjama in Northern Liberia and spend a week with our son and his family. John-Mark and Sara have now been there ministering for more than ten years. It is amazing to see God is working in their lives to sustain them through provisions of wisdom, energy, materials, helpers, etc.. Their three children are thriving, which warms the hearts of these grandparents!

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Jonah has now finished eighth grade. He is growing like the proverbial weed! Sometimes it seems that he gets taller by the week. We are thankful he has found good friends at his school and that he recently was able to go to a youth weekend retreat for missionary kids.

Please pray for the following requests:

1. Safety as we travel to the States and from church to church.

2. Sweet fellowship with friends and relatives as we travel.

3. Revival in Liberia.

4. Financial support for the Jake Memorial Baptist College

We praise God for our faithful prayer supporters! We hope to see you in the coming months.

In His service,

Mark, Nancy and Jonah Sheppard

Mark, Nancy and Jonah Sheppard


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