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The Sheppards -
Missionaries to Liberia


Dear Praying friends,

Greetings from Liberia! 

We thank God for the way He has moved in our hearts and in Liberia. We continue to pray for revival and work to prepare ourselves and the Liberian people for the day that revival comes!

Thank you so much to those who responded to our August appeal and gave money for the supplies required by the government to reopen Jake Memorial Baptist College. We received more than our goal of $500, so we were able to use the rest for the college’s operating expenses. If you would be able to provide needed support for the college on a regular basis, please let us know.

According to the Liberian government, schools will be allowed to open in October. We have completed all the requirements given for colleges and been inspected by the Ministry of Health. We expect to receive final approval in the next few days.

Although it has been quieter than usual due to the COVID-19 restrictions in Liberia, we’ve had opportunities to minister in a number of churches. At one church they blessed us with a great meal of Liberian rice and soup after the service!


In our last update I mentioned that I was thankful for the extra time to work on my never-ending project of preparing notes for the Bible school and that Nancy had begun to create an English grammar class based on an evangelistic storying program called "King of Glory." We are trying to “marry” the Liberian love of education with the clear message of the gospel put forth in these materials. She is now in the editing process. The material will combine the published King of Glory Bible stories and comprehension questions with lessons on English grammar. 


Our hospitality ministry continues. Some of our “regulars" are out of the country and some new “regulars" are being added. A few new missionary couples have recently arrived and it has been a blessing to get to know them. We’ve had interesting interactions with government people and others from various walks of life which have given us great opportunities to talk about the things of God and counsel those who have special problems.


To her joy and satisfaction, Nancy has been able to use this COVID-19 time to do a wonderfully transforming work on our yard. It is so amazing to live in the tropics in the rainy season where weak plants can stabilize and burst forth into amazing beauty within a matter of a few weeks or months. The fruits of her labors, both literally and figuratively, should last for years. We invite any and all to come and see it! 


Jonah is doing great. He’s twelve and a half now and growing very fast. (Only a few months and we’ll have a teenager!!!) Nancy homeschools him with a combination of curricula. We are thankful that God has provided some new friends for him, but he definitely misses those that have left due to COVID-19 or other reasons. The turnover of friends is definitely one of the challenges in the life of a missionary kid! (Second photo is from a recent birthday party.)


Please pray for the following requests:

  1. Grace and wisdom as Nancy and her helpers work on the Bible storying project.
  2. Revival in Liberia. 
  3. Wisdom as we navigate increased responsibility at Jake Memorial Baptist College.
  4. Jonah’s continued physical, emotional, and spiritual growth.

God bless you, dear friends, for your faithful love, prayers, and financial support. 

In His Service,

Mark, Nancy and Jonah Sheppard

Serving with:

Baptist Mid-Missions
Box 308011
Cleveland, OH 44130-8011

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